Workshop: Developments in Embodied Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

Doris Brothers and Jon Sletvold

In this two-day workshop theoretical presentations will be followed by demonstrations and exercises designed to help participants explore the topics covered and then to discuss their experiences.

Date: August 30 and 31, 2019
From 09:00 to 16:00 both days (lunch 12-13)
Place: Norsk Karakteranalytisk Institutt
Price: 3 500 kroner

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William Cornell seminar 2019

What’s sex got to do with it?

Sexuality was once at the very heart of Reichian and neo-Reichian models of psychotherapy and health. This seems often to no longer be the case. This workshop will afford us as a group an opportunity to consider the reasons and the consequences for the frequent marginalization of sexuality in contemporary psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Fortsett å lese «William Cornell seminar 2019»

Lærersamling 2018

Norsk Karakteranalytisk Institutt ønsker velkommen til lærersamling på Klækken den 9. og 10. november 2018.

Lærersamlingen arrangeres hvert år og er åpent for medlemmer av instituttet.

Lærersamling 2018

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Program lærersamling 2018